The Essence forgiveness process erases the desires associated with the positionalities being forgiven within you.
Paying attention to life’s unfolding stories will reveal how you have transcended desires that have held you in the prison of your mind.
We chase all sorts of desires in life, all from the pixel points of awareness of the positionalities feeling them…
Our desires create “cravings” for:
being creative
physical connection
emotional connection
loving and being loved
being “seen” and “heard”
And many more
While most of these desires create beautiful experiences in life, each forms unique positionalities that can have deep programming Essence calls thought form addictions.
We get tethered to the vibrational and frequency ranges of the positionalities that have these desires, through the programming of our cells, central nervous system, and energetic fields.
Going to nothing-nobody and forgiving the positionalities experiencing these desires, will reveal the glorious heaven within you.
The more you practice this, the more you will begin to observe how many of your former desires have dissolved and transformed.
This is a butterfly moment.
This is living in the Miracle Zone.
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Whether you’re just starting or have been on a spiritual path for years, this practice is accessible to everyone. It’s an opportunity to let go of the old stories, embrace your true Essence, and step into the vastness of who you really are.