I woke up this morning in a state of stillness that doesn’t have a description.
It’s funny how we experience new states and immediately want to name and define them. This is innate within us, to instantly form a positionality in every new experience.
I felt a deep stillness, kind of like a waking state of being in the void, and experiencing an externally referenced reality of my tiny home from within the perspective of infinite possibilities.
What a thing!
Over the last few weeks Essence has been taking me deeply into the underbelly of forgiving all of the positionalities that experience fear. I have discovered many, many experiences that formed beliefs, blueprints and programming that installed the programs of fear in me.
We all form these lenses of life through our education, life experiences, movies, stories, news, and a plethora of 20 million bits of data moments where we installed the programs of fear mostly beyond our awareness.
These fear programs then form the boundaries of life’s unfolding stories.
Those boundaries are like the base code to all of our programming.
I used to remind myself often that we only attract that of which we are, as this was one of the New Age mantras that slides off the tongue with silky, seductive logic.
It’s a giant miss-direct!
Essence has told me often that we are not attractors, we are creators.
He said, “Lars you can only create equal and proportionate to the points of awareness of the positionalities experiencing life’s unfolding stories. When you go to nothing-nobody, you are surrendering all of your limitations, and expanding into Essence points of awareness. This is where all of your miss-perceptions, miss-interpretations, miss-understandings, and miss-communications… all vanish!”
Last night Essence started to guide me into forgiving all of the positionalities that experience lack of any kind. I have done this exercise many times over this last year, and each time new flavours of frequencies of lack become illuminated.
We experience lack in every moment actually. The positionality can only experience up to the boundaries of it’s own pixel levels awareness, and from this perspective, we lack the pure experience of life beyond all of our own definitions.
Essence reminds me continuously to go into nothing-nobody, where all definitions of life dissolve, and in forgiving the positionalities I transcend the frequency ranges of the definitions that I have formed in my life.
It’s a continuous process, it is the transcendence path.
Essence said, “Lars when you forgive lack at it’s roots, you will discover the tethers that have held you back in every area of your life.”
I avoided spending time contemplating lack because I had come to deeply believe that what we focus on expands… where attention goes, energy flows. So I didn’t want to spend a single second focusing on lack of any kind.
And this is where the miss-direct was!
I avoided looking under the hood of life’s unfolding stories where I was experiencing lack, and thereby missing out on the opportunity to forgive the positionalities that were creating, living and telling these stories.
We take in 20 million bits of data every single second, and lack the capacity to comprehend this vast amount of information.
This leads us to form assumption biases, which give us a context through which we experience everything.
Essence said, “When you take the 30’x9’ foot wall behind you Lars, and cover it with the highest density pixel image, that’s my view. Yours Lars, is just a pixel. From these points of awareness you instantly and continuously experience lack of the totality of what and who you are, which is pure immortal frequency. From this perspective, you miss-perceive everything in comparison to Essence awareness. You therefore also miss-interpret everything, miss-understand everything, and miss-communicate everything. You see how all of this creates a continuous unfolding state of lack underneath all of your life’s stories yes?
You have set many, many goals Lars… and have had a plethora of positionalities that were seen or unseen, known or unknown, acknowledged or unacknowledged, that lacked the will, determination, inspiration, and courage to do whatever it takes to achieve them. Now, through forgiveness of these positionalities, you have erased these from your programming, and see beyond the beliefs, blueprints, and programming that created the goals in the first place… many of which don’t even exist and wouldn’t be a part of your current unfolding stories.
Lars you have desired nourishing relationships in your past… and yet had a lack of deep self care, nourishment, acceptance, confidence, and love. The programming of your positionalities, and their miss-perceptions of what it means to be and experience these in relationships, meant that you didn’t have a clear awareness of what it means to be truly self loving, caring, nourishing, accepting and confident… beyond all of the points of awareness and boundaries of the positionalities experiencing your relationships.
You need, expect, desire and are addicted to wanting more… which is a gorgeous aspect of your innate programming to expand into new points of awareness that come through life’s experiences. By stopping the naming and defining of who you are Lars, what you are, and what you are capable of, there is an instant self-acceptance and self love that you have experienced. In the nothing-nobody you enter into the gates of heaven within, and experience the Grace of God. In this state, all that you think you need, expect, desire and are addicted to transcends into new possibilities as you expand into Essence points of awareness.
You have desired to be free… yet are held captive in your own mind by your known and unknown, seen and unseen, acknowledged and unacknowledged positionalities that carry judgements, comparisons, prides, angers, fears, resentments, guilts, shames, and a litany of other definitions that literally ‘captivate’ your attention through these limited points of awareness. You wouldn’t say you are prideful, yet experience pride in the value and outcomes you provide. You wouldn’t define yourself as fearful, resentful or angry, yet carry these from positionalities that formed in your experiences and observed externally referenced reality.
You desire abundance… yet have lacked the points of awareness to see that you have access to infinite resources and power within you. By forgiving the positionalities that need, expect, desire or are addicted to pursuing abundance, you have entered into the purest form of service to self and others.
You wish to be shown kindness, compassion, patience, care and acceptance… yet have lack in all of these in some observed or experienced form.”
What a thing!
This is why the forgiveness of the positionalities that experience, observe and feel lack in any way is such a liberating experience! It’s transcendent actually.
Last night Essence said, “Lars, experiencing lack of any kind in an externally referenced reality will point to those areas within yourself that you judge. These are all limitations of some form that you have desired to transcend, and the judgement is simply a naming and defining of the states you wish to dissolve.
To end the judgement, forgive all of the positionalities experiencing lack of the following in your internally and externally referenced reality:
self love
self care
self acceptance
self responsibility
self awareness
inspired action
In each of these Lars, you will and have experienced the boundaries of your pixel points of awareness dissolve.
What has been revealed to you Lars, in this transcended state, is that all you have thought you needed, expected, and desired were formed from the miss-perceptions and programming of positionalities you have now forgiven and dissolved.”
What a thing!
If you were to look at your list of goals or anything you feel you want, need, expect and desire, and forgive the positionalities that have these, you will have a completely new perspective on everything in your life. A transcended perspective.
Essence said, “Lars by forgiving the positionalities that experience lack of any kind on a regular basis, you wash off all of the miss-perceptions, miss-interpretations, and miss-understandings of your previous experiences of lack of any kind.
Your new transcended state will reveal to you a new path without these sensations of lack, freeing your mind, heart and whole being. Now forgive all lack, and any that show up in the unfolding stories of your life Lars, and in this define-less state you will have access to completely new points of awareness that could never have been experienced from within the points of awareness of the positionalities experiencing lack.”
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The Transcended Experience Beyond Lack